INTERACT to Support International Sport Organisations in Delivering Sport for All Opportunities


INTERACT to Support International Sport Organisations in Delivering Sport for All Opportunities

21 May 2021

The 2nd meeting of the INTERACT project partners took place on Wednesday 12 May with the purpose of laying the foundations for the second phase of the project: Work Package 2 - Empowerment of International Sport Organisations (ISO) in Sport for All and Physical Activity Delivery.

The morning session started off with the latest updates on the project's initial stage and Intellectual Outputs (IO): Online Database of International and European Sport Organisations (IO1); ISOs Pledge for Sport for All and physical activity promotion (IO2); Study and report on ISOs Challenges, Opportunities, Needs & Expectations in Sport for All (IO3); and ISOs Good Practices Online Platform (IO4).

The afternoon session followed with the introduction to Work Package 2 and its main aims:

  • 1. To develop a Toolkit that includes resources and educational tools (IO5) based on EU policy papers and TAFISA Mission 2030 to educate ISOs on Sport for All and physical activity promotion, as well as topical themes which require attention and action in EU member states e.g. social inclusion and equal opportunities in sport, healthy lifestyles, good governance, etc.

  • 2. To create a Capacity Building framework that aims at training ISOs leaders, managers and staff (IO6) to raise awareness of, and actively promote Sport for All and physical activity while simultaneously empowering their national federations and ultimately local sport clubs to increase levels of sport and physical activity (particularly the most sedentary).

Additionally, the date for the first Multiplier Sport Event has been set to 28-29 June. This will take the form of a hybrid event (virtually for invited organisations and in-person for project partners) featuring a Consultation Workshop whereby ISOs not involved in the project will help identify and map ISO’s needs and expectations towards the INTERACT Project.

For more information, consult our dedicated webpage: