TAFISA Mission 2030 in Pyeongchang


TAFISA Mission 2030 in Pyeongchang

01 March 2018

As Pyeongchang welcomed the Winter Olympic Games 2018 in Korea on February 9-25, TAFISA's Mission 2030 was introduced to friends, partners and stakeholders of the Sport for All Movement who were attending the Games. 

Chair of IOC Commission Sport and Active Society Sam Ramsamy with TAFISA President Ju-Ho Chang


Mission 2030 provides a common strategy for the Sport for All Movement to tackle global issues and make the world a better place by 2030. It was well received by major actors and organisations in sport, such as the German Olympic Committee and the International Modern Pentathlon Union, among others. 

TAFISA Secretary General Wolfgang Baumann, DOSB President Alfons Hörmann, TAFISA President Ju-Ho Chang, DOSB CEO Veronika Rücker and DOSB Vice-President Walter Schneeloch


International Modern Pentathlon Union President Klaus Schormann with TAFISA Secretary General Wolfgang Baumann and TAFISA President Ju-Ho Chang


TAFISA's Mission 2030 can be consulted here: Mission 2030 [PDF]