


SESC Inaugurates New Inclusive Facility in the State of São Paulo

20 May 2019

TAFISA Member Sesc São Paulo has opened a new and innovative sport and recreational centre in Guarulhos, the second largest city of the Brazilian regional state of São Paulo. The opening event took place on May 11-12 and gathered more than 24,000 people who were able to try out and enjoy the various sport and cultural activities provided by the new facilities to the local community.

TAFISA meets Laureus Sport for Good, Commonwealth Secretariat and UKactive in London

09 May 2019

On the 2nd and 3rd May 2019, TAFISA Secretary General Wolfgang Baumann, Junior Director Jean-Francois Laurent and Business Development Manager Keri McDonald travelled to London, UK, for various meetings to discuss an array of opportunities within the Sport for All Movement, as well as innovative collaborative ways to make the world a better place through Sport for All.

TAFISA joins the Global Active City Chinese Project Forum in Chongqing, China

09 May 2019

TAFISA President Prof. Ju-Ho Chang and Secretary General Wolfgang Baumann travelled to China on April 23rd for various meetings and to attend the 2019 Global Active City Chinese Project Forum on April 26th, organised in Chongqing, China, under the leadership of TAFISA Vice President Liu Guoyong, and Hebei Yonghuai Institute.

The European Sport Stakeholders Gather in Bucharest

12 April 2019

The annual EU Sport Forum took place in Bucharest, Romania, on April 8 – 9, 2019.

With more than 400 participants, the event proved once again to be the number one gathering of sport stakeholders across Europe, as representatives from the European Union, Sport Ministries, Sport movement and municipalities met to exchange about trends in the sports and physical activity sector.

46th ASFAA BoD Meeting Successfully Held in Ulsan, Korea

05 April 2019

The 46th ASFAA Board of Directors meeting and international workshop held on March 20-21 in Ulsan Metropolitan City, Korea gathered over 100 participants from 8 countries across the Asian continent. The meeting and workshop were spearheaded by the TAFISA-Korea with prestigious speakers from Asia discussing topics such as Sport for All and Active Cities. The workshop included lectures from TAFISA Treasurer and ASFAA Secretary General, Mr.